LibraryCollege can be a demanding and stressful environment, which may make meeting the requirements of an assignment difficult at times. If you are having difficulty completing an assignment, meeting with your instructor and visiting the Writing Center are very productive ways to get back on track. Seeking help from Student Disability Services and from University Counseling Services can be very beneficial as well, depending on your needs. Regardless of where you seek assistance, it is always better to communicate with your instructor when you realize you are having trouble completing your work rather than copying someone else's work. Submitting your own work is not only a better choice ethically, but you will get more out of the course and grow more as a writer if you do.

Our composition instructors work to offer compassionate responses to instances of plagiarism and academic dishonesty, but communicating with them to recieve assistance with an assignment instead of taking and turning in someone else's work is always the best practice. You can learn more about university policies regarding plagairism and academic dishonesty here