Welcome to OkState's Writing Community!

Welcome to the Writing Community page for First-Year Composition at Oklahoma State University! This space will soon be home to conversations, events, and celebrations of members of the FYC program.

Writing CommunityWe believe that communications and conversations between students and faculty are fundamental to community building, and will be updating this page during the first week of every month with the goings-on of our department. This will include interviews with faculty members about their research interests and recent publications, conversations between students and instructors about the current state of FYC scholarship, outcomes, and projects, upcoming presentations and talks by department members, and much, much more. Our department is centered in collaboration, and therefore we are excited to bring you a space that showcases the ways in which we are speaking, thinking, and writing with one another about first-year composition! To submit events, updates, or other news, please email afeden@okstate.edu.